Advisor User Agreement

You can be confident that Root360 will keep your information private and secure.  Please see our privacy policy for more details. Root360 Advisors agree to:

  • Communicate with clients in a timely manner and in accordance with professional standards of your industry and organization.
  • Become proficient in using the Root360 Dashboard to access clients' benchmarking results and SWOT360 analyses. A short primer is available to help advisors become familiar with the Root360 Benchmarking and SWOT360 results.
  • Keep profile information current. Advisors can temporarily remove or restore their name from the referral database depending on their ability to accept new clients.
  • Receive periodic emails regarding program updates or upcoming training sessions.
  • Provide periodic feedback to Root360 to help us evaluate and improve our program. Any feedback requests by Root360 will be concise and respectful of your time.